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The Roommate from Hell

Hi Rent a pal
My roommate cannot leave my guy friends alone. I've been living with her for 6 months and every single guy friend that I bring over, she tries to coax them into her room. I can count 5 guy friends that she's dug her claws into. What should I do?

Dear Amanda
First, you should tell her that this is bothering you, and ask her to stop. If she is a true friend, then she'll chill-out and be more respectful.

Second, try bringing home some "decoy dates" (guys you have no interest in, and who maybe even smell bad) before you bring home your real date. That should keep her distracted long enough for you to be alone with the ones you really like. If neither of these work, find a new roommate!


  1. Roommates, after being strangers, become friends and this very behavior tends to cement into a relationship. Try to remember this. Hope this Helps!

  2. i had a roommate from hell once too. she was stealing money from me. my advice is get away!

  3. bring home some ugly guys for her

  4. find friend with herpes. coax roommate into doing friend.

  5. Join her and your "man friends" in their reindeer games.
