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Which Man Do I Choose?

Hi Rentapal-
I'm essentially dating two guys right now (bitchy, I know). One guy I've dated for a few years and he's very intelligent, but plays video games all day and has a low sex drive. The other guy that I've been friends with for about a year and dated only a little bit has great chemistry with me, but has disappointed me in terms of schooling, drinking more than I think he should, etc. My problem is that guy #2 seems to love me more than #1, and I am much happier with #2. I'm just concerned about #2's future. Who do I go with? (Also keep in mind that I'm at the same university with these guys and we're all 21 years old)
Thank you Rentapal,

Dear Melissa,
Let's see. Number 1 is smart, but a video junkie with low sex drive. The question is: can you get him to think about video less and you more? Try dressing up as one of his favorite video game characters, and asking him to "play" you until he reaches a new high-score.

For number 2, maybe you can lower his alcohol drive a bit by showing him this: "Alcohol causes loss of libido, impotence, and sterility in males." Can you make him smarter too? Well, maybe if he starts to drink less he'll take up some new activities like reading (just make sure that he doesn't take up video games).

Try both of these methods and see which guy improves the most!


  1. that is bitchy. go with number 2. he sounds like more fun.

  2. Melissa,
    That's more than just bitchy. It's disrespectful. How would you like to find out that someone you were dating was seeing other people at the same time?

  3. damn, i'm only dating one guy but still going to try the first suggestion (dressing up as a vidgame character) with my bf! sounds like it could be fun :-)

  4. How about stop trying to change either of them. Jeez barely even dating and already trying to control them.

  5. That is the worst advice I've ever heard. Go with the guy that loves you.

  6. Here's my advice: neither.

    Wait until you're not a two-timing bitch, and then find a guy that you don't have to worry about "fixing"

  7. Are these the only two guys you can get to go out with you? Find somebody who suits you better.

  8. Good grief. and girls wonder why it's so hard to find a decent guy.
    Ladies, that right there is the reason, because too many girls are selfish little. . I shall refrain from further description.
    I'm sure you get the point

  9. both guys deserve someone way better than you.

  10. It's easy, first, you need to stop being a two-timing bitch. Then drop these two and find someone else because they both deserve much better than you.

  11. I agree with one of the above comments. Wait until you're not a dishonest person before looking for a relationship that's honestly good.

  12. [For number 2, maybe you can lower his alcohol drive a bit by showing him this: "Alcohol causes loss of libido, impotence, and sterility in males."]


  13. This is why girls can't have nice things - you always go for the douche (2). He's stupid, and drinks å lot, what do you see in him??? I'm sure number 1 likes you å lot, but is just too shy to show it properly. Make him feel comfortable around you. But DON'T overplay the video game thing. Don't dress up as a video game character. Playing video games is a hobby! And it's disrespectful of you to try and make him stopp playing video games. What would you think if he tried to stop you from enjoying one of your hobbies?


  14. Yeah, the advice that Rentapal gave you is terrible. Go with neither. You're 21 years young for F*#@s sake. You don't have to settle for the lesser of two evils (yet). Although any guy worth keeping won't put up with that two timing BS you're trying to pull.

  15. how about you stop being such a raging bitch

  16. For all those out there talking about two-timing... when was dating declared monogamous? Is that not what marriage is for? The way I see it, dating is for this exact type of thing. You get to know people and decide whether you want to spend the rest of your life with them.

    Best advice I have heard on here? Stop trying to fix people. If you think you have a problems with them early in the relationship, chances are they are only going to compound and get worse with time. No one wants to be someone's project and I don't know many guys that would take nicely to being forced to change their behavior.

    Find someone you don't need to fix (which is fairly unlikely in my experience) or buck up and deal with their imperfections. Then go with the one that makes you happy and you believe genuinely loves you. I would bet that neither of these two end up being that guy though.
