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I'm in a rut

I hate my job and my boss is a jerk, but I can't find another one. I've been answering ads and responding to jobs on the Internet, but no luck. I've been in the same job for almost twelve years and am in a rut. I hate getting up in the morning. Should I just quit?

Dear Dilbert
What will you do if you quit your job? Are you prepared to radically alter your life? Will you shave your head and join a Buddhist monastery? Will you join the Peace Corps? Will you drop out of society and live in the wild? Will you become a mercenary? Are you ready to completely give up the illusion that you actually control any aspect of your life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you must quit your job immediately, give away all of your possessions and follow your bliss. If you answered no or even hesitated for a moment, then you should just stay where you are because you are not ready to progress to the next level in life. You will just get another dull and meaningless job and still feel the same way. You can move from job to job but your psychic, emotional and cosmic baggage will always go with you.
Your Pal,

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