Dear Rentapal
I had a date with this great guy and accidentally farted while we were having dinner! Fortunately the waiter came to take our order so I didn't have to think of something to say. I quickly started a conversation about another topic after the waiter left, but I'm sure my date heard me fart! It was our first date, and over two weeks ago, and I never heard from him again. I'm so embarrassed. Should I call him or did I totally ruin my chances with him?
Dear Beaniegirl
There are two cardinal rules for first dates. No vomiting and no farting. Thou broketh the rule, and now thou must payeth the penalty! You blew it (so to speak). Forget him. You will never hear from him again. Consider a change in dietary habits.
Your Pal,
farting girlfriend? you gotta be kidding. forget about it. done! finito! adios chica