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it's about X, Y and Me...

Dear Rentapal
hi i just thought that i would talk you no get it out of my system so i have these friends x and y and x was going out with y but then x's friend told y that he liked her and she liked him so they told x that y and z liked each other and now x and y arent going out and every one at school knows about this and everyone hates z and y and they expect me to have all the answers but i dont and it doesnt help that i think im ugly and fat and no boy will ever like me and to top it all off my "friend" nicole hates me because she was bitchen about me in the toilets and i asked one of my other friends about it and nicole fell out with me am i a bad person or do i just not belong any where i could really use a friend but i cant tell anyone and i feel like every one hates me now can you help i dont blame you if you cant i just needed to tell someone

Dear Katy,
Damn, I knew I should have paid more attention in algebra class! Forget your friends, take a grammar and spelling course, and you'll meet some nice new friends with good punctuation...
Your pal,

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