Dear Rentapal
I've been working in a job that I don't really care about for almost 12 years. My wife and I have a little money saved up and the responsible thing for us to do now would be to buy an a house and "settle down." The thing is that my life is just B O R I N G. I keep thinking, where is the fun in my life? I dream about just taking off and traveling. Am I just going to spend the rest of my life doing something I don't care about so that I can pay bills? Rentapal, help! My life is like a bad cliche'!
Dear Bob
Life is too short to keep living a life that you don't care about. What is your passion? Figure out a way to work in that area. Also, if you've got some money saved, why not have a travel adventure before you begin your new career? Or if you can, find a career that allows you to keep traveling (for some great advice on that kind of lifestyle, check out: Where do you dream of going? Today, you can travel just about anywhere in the world on just about any budget. The clock on your life is ticking - do what you want before it's too late!
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